Varanasi blasts...
Oh my god what a terrible happening struck India .A blast in the oldest known city and that too in ome of the most sacred places and above all it killed 20 people. This is really sick of those people who did this. They think they have done some justice to their motive and to an extent they have carried out a well executed march towards something great.
The Indian government should wake up and give a very strong message to them so that they never dare to make the same mistake. People who induced these bombimgs dont think about its impact on their own community for whom they proclaim to carry on jehads and attacks on innocents. They are only fuelling a sense of discrimination against the people of their community. This is a fact which may not make a major change in todays scenario but would create discrimination against their own community in the near future of globalised world.
I could only hope that they give up such reckless and ruthless and idiotic plans of theirs in the name of freedom struggle .. jehad etc to make a better world.
I wonder what our descendants have to learn about these people. I presume that our descendants would read about one ruthless,illiterate,violent,cultureless set of people which would refer to these people who in the name of struggle are killing innocents.
Your reflections on this incident and the people involved in this incident is most welcome in this blog.